Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child Activity Center

Opening and Ending LineFairy tales are usually presented as happening a long time ago. The most common phrase connected with a fairy tale is 'once upon a time.' The line starts off several different fairy tales and is an immediate hint that you are reading a story in that genre. Likewise, many fairy tales end with the line 'and they lived happily ever after.'

Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child Activity Center Free

This line is most prominent in 'Cinderella' and 'Sleeping Beauty.' Hero/Heroine and VillianFairy tales have clearly defined heroes and heroines.

These characters are often described as kind and good natured. They most often find themselves in unfair situations, such as Snow White, a sweet young girl who was envied by the queen. On that same note, fairy tales always have a villain.

The villain is sometimes a witch or sorceress, dabbling in the dark arts, or it could be a gnome or monster. MagicFairy tales are notorious for including a magical or supernatural element. It is common to see talking animals who befriend the hero or heroine. Fairy tales with princesses often describe the princess singing and dancing with animals. Even everyday objects can be alive. Fairy tales include such magical characters as fairies, trolls, elves and goblins. RoyaltyFairy tales usually feature royal settings or characters.

There is often a castle, queen or king mentioned within the story. Sometimes, the heroine is a missing princess as is the case with 'Rapunzel' and 'Sleeping Beauty.' Many of the heroines in fairy tales end up living 'happily ever after' with a kind and handsome prince that rescues them. Problem and SolutionThe plot of a fairy tale focuses on a problem that must be solved. The whole story revolves around that problem, and the happily ever after is derived from finding a solution to the problem.

Cinderella's problem was that she wanted to go to the ball, her fairy godmother provided a solution to the problem and, thus, Cinderella met the prince. Universal LessonFairy tales provide lessons on some sort of universal truth. It's a world where goodness prevails. The story can be focused on coming of age, love, dreams and hope.

It shows that the kind hero or heroine can win in the face of adversity and an evil villain. Learning ResourcesFairy tales are excellent resources for the classroom.

Children are familiar with this type of genre. You could have students compare different versions of the story 'Cinderella' (there are different tales from different regions). Since fairy tales have common elements, they are useful in teaching students how to write. There is a format that they follow, and understanding it helps students to arrange their thoughts and map out their own stories.

Fairy Tales - Lessons Ideas Pintables and More For Teachers. FAIRY TALES(to the tune of'Jingle Bells')Once upon a time,In a land far away,A girl kissed a frog -That just made his day!Far across the town,Red Riding Hood took fright -She found a wolfIn granny's bedWhen she told her goodnight!Fairy Tales! FairyTales!Read them every day!Oh what fun it is to hearHow Goldilocks got away!FairyTales! Fairy Tales!Full of joy and laughter!Do you know how this one ends?Why, its HAPPILY EVER AFTER!AuthorUnknownAbove is a charactermobile that I had my 2nd grade students make(1998). In the middle they draw the character oftheir choice and then fill in the four bubblesabout the character.

When they are done they cutand string each part and place on a string tohang. These look so great hanging around theroom!Here is a beginning,middle, and end activity we did in 2nd grade withthe book Hansel and Gretel.

Under the Gingerbreadhouse in a flap book with. Begin, Middle, End,and Alternative Ending. The students filled inthe book. Then they colored the Gingerbread Houseans stapled it to the book. When they were done,I hung the finished products on a board thatsaid. Fairy Tales Can Be Yummy!Here is a fun hands-onbulletin board that I made. The middle shows abook.

On the outside of the book are variouscharacters, settings, story titles, and plots.Inside the book are large bubbles for thestudents to place the story title, plot,characters, and setting. The plot, setting,characters, and title and held on the board withvelcro so that they can be manipulated by thestudents.Fairy Tale HeadBands1.

Let each childchoose a fairy tale character to use to make aheadband.Reproduce the chose character once for eachchild. Have children color. Mount onoaktag, and cut out.2. Give each child a 2' x 24'strip of construction paper. Help eachchildstaple the headband to the center of the strip asshown.3. Staple each strip to fit around eachchild's head.4. Children may wear their Fairy-TaleHeadbands while they listen to and actout some of the best known fairy tales.Fairy TaleDramatics1.

Ask children to help make a listof several fairy tales that the class hasenjoyed.2. Help determine the characters needed todramatize the fairy tale.3. Reproduce appropriate headbands fortheir characters needed to dramatizethe fairy tale.4. Let children perform the fairytale for parents.Three Bears -We do a lot with measurement with thesestories. To compare weights, the kids workwith a partner to complete a chart of light,medium, and heavy items around theclassroom. Light - can pick up withone hand, medium - can pick up with 2 hands,heavy - can't pick up (I'm always in thatcolumn!).

A small medium and large bear icon helpmark each column. We write notes tothe 3 bears from Goldilocks to apologize for themess she made. Have done a group guidedwriting and individually on computer withkids.Chrystal ShookTheThree Little Pigs. Therewere three little pigs who were forced to roam,So each decided to build a home.They bought some neat stuff from a nice man,And then he said to them, 'Build what youcan!' The 3 little pigs said 'We shall useit all!' Then the first little pig took the basket ofstraw.The second little pig took the bundle of sticks,The third little pig took a wheelbarrow ofbricks.They each built a house.and you know the rest,Only one house is left cuz it was the best. ( LAC)Provide materials for the children to make a 3Little Pigs scene.straw(raffia), sticks (popcicle sticks) and red paper(bricks) as well as misc.other colors of paper, and whatever else thechildren can brainstorm to besuitable 'building materials', potatohalves with the shape of a pig cutinto it for printing with pink paint, also haveglue, scissors, and just lots of'stuff'.

Let the kids go with it.If you like the printable Iused above -Encourage the children to make their own curledpiggy tails by cutting apinkcircle around and around toward themiddle. When finished and held up, aspiral piggy tail will stretch out into thesprial shape. Let them tape thetail to their bottoms. Also provide pinkpaper for piggy snouts made fromcutcircles with nostrils drawn on then tape it totheir noses. Now assist thechildren in gathering the props to act out thestory.Put miniature story props in the sand table andlet the children act out thestory this way, too. (Oriental TradingCatalog has great rubber farm, zoo,dinosaur animals to order.

Their farmcollection would be great for thisactivity.I've said it before.this company hasgreat stuff for VERYreasonable prices.) The house could be madefrom small sized boxes or milkcartons, decorated with simple designs toillustrate the pigs individualhomes. (Have plain cartons available forthe children to design new homesin the art area.)Invite the children to bring in their own booksof The Three Little Pigs.Look at one particular section of the story fromeach book (like the partwhere the pigs get their supplies for their homebuilding) and compare allthe different versions/illustrations. Howare they alike and how are they different? Talkabout the artist (illustrators) each having adifferent idea of how the pigs must look andthat each of them is different but still correct.Assist the children in naming the 3 littlepigs.take one pig at a time andtalk about names that would help describe thatparticular pig.Rewrite the story with the class using 3different materials for the houses.using The ThreeLittle Pigs as a structural model toestablish knowledge of the form of fairytales: seven great activities to do withThe Three Little Pigswriting a talebased on a collection of objects whichtrigger brainstorming! Students use thestory as jumping off point for a math/artactivity For the 3 LittlePigs, gather and clean 3 milk cartons foreach child. Use canned frosting to addstraw (shredded wheat), sticks (pretzels)and bricks ( cherry nibs- licorice).

Happily ever after: fairy tales for every child activity center pittsburgh

Put on largestyrofoan trays and add other details ifdesired. Make popcicle stickpuppets so the children can retell thestory at home before they inevitablymunch on the housesChrystal ShookEven More Little Pig Ideas from ourLittle Pigs Packet for Preschool andKindergarten! This setincludes: LiteratureExtensions for the Story,The Three Little Pigs.Games, a craft, and mathand reading fun madespecifically forPreschool andKindergarten learning!The Three Little PigsMath and Literacy Games,Centers, Glyph, and More!Hands-on is the key tolearning!!! This packetis all that and more!Page 3 and4—Emergent reader.Student can color andbring home to share witha parent.Page 5 to 8—ThreeLittle Pigs game.

Justprint and use in smallgroup.Page 9—Color, trace,and stamp activity sheet.Number three.Page 10—Color bycode. Cut-out diceprovided. Print dice oncardstock and tapetogether to have forever.Page 11 and 12—EasyThree Little Pigs Craftpage and idea.Page 13—Color cutand sequence picturesfrom the story activitysheet.Page 14 to 16—Storymanipulatives.

Laminateand add a magnet to theback to use on largewhite board to retell thestory.Page 17 and 18—Tallyand Graph activity.Printable dice provided.Makes a wonderful mathcenter.Page 19— Color,Trace, Cut, Count andGlue—Activity sheetsfor the numbers 2 throughseven.Page20—Roll and Cover MathCenter. Print page 20 on cardstock. Supply markers and a dice.Students take turns rolling diceand marking off the number theyrolled. First to cover their cardwins. Great for independent gametime or small groups.Page 21—Little Piggy knowshis letter sounds board game.Supply markers and a dice.Students roll dice and say lettersound on the brick. First personto get to the brick house firstis the winner.Page 22—Practice a skillpuzzle—Laminate cards andthen use a dry erase to add askill on the bottom of thepuzzle. Cut apart puzzle andstudents put it back together.Great for counting by 5’sand 10’s or counting up.Also good for ABC order.Page 23—A beginning soundcut, color, and glue sheet.Page 24—Three Little PigsGlyph Activity Sheet.

Great wayto introduce preschool andkindergarten age kids to datainterpretation!Just $5.99. Jackand the Beanstalk- MORE COMING.when planting beans,how about experimenting with light/no light,water/nowater, etc.plant variety of beans in 1 container-send homewith soup recipe (7 beansoup).sort beans in sensory table.make bean and cheese quesadillas (EASY) for asnack.act out the storyHang a rope from the ceiling covered with browncrepe paper and green cellophane leaves. Attachtwo boots to the ceiling, one each side of the'stalk'.Grow beans in jars or plant in the garden.Monitor and chart growth.Collage with variety of beans.Sort different varieties of beans.Activities with gold coins - counting, sharing.Trace around teacher or each other and collage'giant' using material.Measure height of children with tape andseriate.

It is a world of funwith a fairy tale is a interactivelearning center that I have developed for thefairy tale unit I created. I designed the centerso that I could use it as an exciting place forthe student toexplore, learn, and have fun at thesame time! The activities I choose are across thecurriculum and cover a variety of the skillsalready taught or being taught to the secondgrade class. Moreover, each activity deals with afairy tale in some way. My goal for the centerwas to have it be an activity center in which thestudent could do independently with out theteachers help.

Thus, the activities are selfexplanatory and are a review of previous learnedskills.Inside the brightlydecorated learning center one will find thirteenentertaining activities centered around fairytales. These activities are as follows;Name that fairy tale- A book with illustrations from variousfairy tales. The student must name each fairytale.Practice Telling Timewith Cinderella - Is an activity themotivates the student to help Cinderella placethe correct time onto each clock.Help Mr.

Wolf find outhow many pigs are in each house - Thiscovers subtraction facts through 18 and motivatesthe student to do the facts.Help Pinocchio- This is a game of memory and also helps thestudent strength their alphabetical ordering.Can you find thesecret to the witch’s brew? - Thisis a grammar game in which the student must matchthe correct prefix with the root word.Once Upon A Time BoardGame - This activity is an review of whathas been taught thus far in second grade.

Itcovers all subjects and is very motivational.Emperor’s NewClothes & Pinocchio Read-Along -These two tapes are listening activities.The Goose that Laidthe Golden Egg CD-ROM - The students areencouraged or read along on the computer with thebook. Also, they may play with the illustrationsin the book.Fairy Tale Pop-upVillage - This definitely does the job ofattracting the students to the center.Gingerbread Man LaceCards - Reinforces fine motor skills.Read a Fairy Tale- There are tons of fairy tales to choose to readin the center. Also, there are a variety ofpop-up fairy tale books.The It is a world offun with fairy tales learning center ismeant to not only review skills, but to also getthe student excited about reading. My hope isthat it motivates the student to open a fairytale and discover the world of imaginationthrough a book. It is important to try to producea love of reading in your classroom and I feelthis learning center does that and more! C.GallagherCinderellaMake wands with dowels,wooden stars (paint, glitter, dowels) and thenwrite about our wishes, take turns tapping oneanother and give a task to perform (lettersounds, rhymes, counting, etc.).Create a fairy godmotherwith art materials (paper, fabric scraps,dolies, lace sequins, ect) and writeabout how she could help you. Brainstorm8-10 ideas about what happens in a fairytale.

Make a large chart listingideas down left side. In columnsto the right, write the name of the storiesto compare/contrast at the top of the column(ex: DIsney Cinderella, Cinderella Penguin,Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters, The Rough-FacedGirl) After reading, go down the listand write yes or no about the ideas thatwere brainstormed. It fun to see thepatterns in the stories emerge as you readthe books.

Add crowns, gowns, wands,fancy shoes to dramatic play to act ourversions of the storiesChrystal ShookDramatic Play: HaveCinderella clothes (ugly and beautiful), royalclothes(capes, crowns), Lots ofshoes. Cleaning supplies. Have aplace tohave a 'ball', play music.Art:Decorate shoes, crowns Shoe printing (havevarious shoes with interesting patterns on thebottom,use.paint rollars to cover bottoms with paint,presson paper.) Sew on dress shapes(cut fromplastic canvas)ShoeClassification Game: Have different sizedshoes, kids can classiflyaccording to size. (at my preschool we do thiskind of game in group but italso could be done during free-play)Science: grow Pumpkin seeds.