Pokemon Sapphire Ips Patch

Pokemon sapphire download

Pokemon Sapphire Ips Patch 2

Hello there,This might help to provide some inspiration.This patch fixes saving, but does not disable the save error message.On a side not, have you tried flying in Fire Red when injected into the virtual console? If so did it work for you? Do you have a N3DS, or an Old3DS?Cheers!thanks for the info, but i already used that. Like uve said save error message still persist.anyway, about the fly error, i didnt tested it yet. I already deleted my cia the time i saw the save error message.hope someone could help us to disable the save error message. Have you tried this one yet?Ah, I see.

King Of Queens Ips Patch

Well if some point you end up reinstalling, and playing through (since the save error message is harmless after the agbfirm patch) I'd very much like to know if you have the same issue.Best regards!yup, its the same as the step 1 of this tutorial (but different approach).the save error message is harmless but im little bit OCD when injecting games. I want it look legit as much as possible.i hope some one could disable it, cuz thats the only time im going to make a cia gain and test the fly error youve mentioned.