Xelatex The Memory Dump File Could Not Be Found

Hi again Gentleman.Better off using Small memory dumpStartup and Recovery SettingsIf the folders are empty Right click on My Computer and select Properties.Then select Advanced system settings Tab on the left menu.Under the Startup and Recovery section, click on Settings.Make sure 'Write an event to the system log' is checked and 'Automatically Restart' is unchecked. In the drop down menu under 'Write Debugging Information,' select Small memory dump (64KB,128kb or 256KB) press OK and OK again.message edited by Johnw. Let me have a look at these logs.Please download Farbar Recovery Scan Tool and save it onto your Desktop. If your default download location is not the Desktop, drag it out of it's location onto the Desktop.If we have to run Farbar more than once, refer this SS.Note: You need to run the version compatible with your system. If you are not sure which version applies to your system download both of them and try to run them.

Only one of them will run on your system, that will be the right version.Double-click to run it. When the tool opens click Yes to disclaimer.Press Scan button.It will make a log (FRST.txt) on the Desktop.The first time the tool is run, it makes also another log (Addition.txt)The logs are large, upload them using Zippy ( No account/registration needed ) or upload to a site of your choosing. Give us the links please. Download Security Check by screen317 from one of the following links and save it onto your Desktop.

Xelatex.exe The Memory Dump File Could Not Be Found


If your default download location is not the Desktop, drag it out of it's location onto the Desktop.Please restart the computer before running this security check. Double click SecurityCheck.exe. If you run Windows Vista or 7/8, right click and choose 'Run as Administrator'.o If you are asked by Windows to run this program or not, please click 'Yes' or 'Run'.o When you see a console window, press any key to continue scanning.o Wait while it scans.o If your firewall alerts you of Security Check, please press 'Allow' or similar. A Notepad document should open automatically after scan is completed.

It will be called checkup.txt; Please Copy and Paste the contents into your reply.Note: If a security program requests permission from dig.exe to access the Internet, allow it to do so.

I think I have a MikTeX problem. In RStudio I clicked on the Knit PDF button and received this error message.This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.3-1.40.12 (MiKTeX 2.9 64-bit)pdflatex: The memory dump file could not be found.pdflatex: Data: pdflatex.fmtI then followed the first instruction atThen I rebooted my computer.At this point I do not know if I need to add a memory dump file and if so, the details of how to do so.I then tried Knit Word and that worked beautifully, producing a Word 2007 document.I am using RStudio. I have an R markup document Ira.Rmd. It produced files Ira.md and Ira.html.


I would like to save as Ira.pdf. I downloaded and ran pandoc on the command line with pandoc Ira.md –o Ira.pdf.I received the following error message.Pandoc: Error producing PDF from TeX source.This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926- The memory dump file could not be found.Pdflatex: Data: pdflatex.fmtCan someone explain in simple terms how I can perform this file conversion?I am using the following.Windows 7.R Version: 3.0.2RStudio Version: 0.98.684I did read but I still do not understand how to convert my file.UPDATE I am editing my question.I am trying to convert an R markdown file to PDF. I created the RMD file in R Studio. With a click of a button I successfully produced the HTML file which is filled with R code.I am using R version 3.0.2I am using RStudio version 0.98.684I do not know if the following is relevant.My.Rprofile file contains the following line. Setwd('C:/Users/Ira/Documents/Statistics')I ran the following getwd1 'C:/Users/Ira/Documents/Statistics'I have attempted all of the suggestions.


However, I continue to receive error messages when trying to convert to PDF. My most recent posts attempted to post the error messages.The real Rmarkup file is: IraAppliedStats.RmdClicking on Knit produces the desired HTML file.I successfully ran the commands: install.packages('devtools'); devtools::installgithub('rstudio/rmarkdown')library(rmarkdown)From the console I ran the following command, but I received an error.

Read Memory Dump File

Render(input = 'toPDF2.rmd', outputformat = 'pdfdocument', outputfile = 'toPDF2.pdf')I observed the monitor. After a few chunks were produced I started to see multiple messages such as the following after a few chunks were completed.Warning in (if (outformat(c('latex', 'sweave', 'listings', 'markdown'))) sanitizefn else strc)(path,:dots in figure paths replaced with ('IraAppliedStatsRmdfiles/figure-latex/unnamed-chunk-10').Also each chunk had the following message.ordinary text without R codeMuch of the document is R code. The same line appears when I am producing the HTML file.The essence of the error message seems to be.pandoc.exe: Error producing PDF from TeX source.This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.3-1.40.12 (MiKTeX 2.9 64-bit)pdflatex: The memory dump file could not be found.Using Notepad, I then added the following two lines to the top of the IraAppliedStats.md file.title: IraAppliedStats.mdoutput: pdfdocument.I closed Notepad.I again ran the command.

Memory Dump File Windows 7

Render(input = 'IraAppliedStats.Rmd', outputformat = 'pdfdocument', outputfile = 'IraAppliedStats.Rmd.pdf')This did not appear to help as I again received an error message and there was no PDF file produced.End of addition/edit. However, I still cannot produce a PDF file. Before I give details of my latest attempt, I would like toad information that may or may not be relevant. When I first started with R Markup, my files where in some subdirectory. The code failed as some files could not be found, as I recall. I then moved my files to my main R directory and then I produced really nice HTML files. My.Rprofile file contains the following line.

Setwd('C:/Users/Ira/Documents/Statistics') I created a new file named toPDF2.rmd–Mar 4 '14 at 1:41.