Jira Update Custom Field Programmatically Meaning


.Click the Cog in the top ribbon to open the Administration menu and select Issues.Select Workflows from the side menu under Workflows.Click Edit on the workflow you wish to add or edit a workflow function.In the Diagram view, select a transition.A list of workflow functions is displayed.Click the function type you wish to edit/add, for example, Condition.The Transition screen shows a list of all conditions set up for this transition. Click Add Condition.Under Add Condition to Transition a list of available conditions is shown.Select the ScriptRunner option from the menu and click Add.

Jira Custom Field Plugin

You will commonly want to reference the last comment in your email templates. The following variables are available for use in the templates:Variable nameDescriptionlastCommentThe comment made in this transition, if there was one. If not this will be null, hence you should wrap it an if block as shown in the example template.In previous versions of the plugin this was set to the last comment on the issue, regardless if it was made in this transition or not. This was not the intended behaviour, but if you were relying on it then update your templates to use`mostRecentComment` instead.mostRecentCommentThe comment made in this transition, or if there wasn’t one, the most recent comment made prior to this transition.latestPriorCommentThe latest comment made prior to this transition. Using this, plus lastComment, can display a conversation thread. Import javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPartimport javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipartimport javax.mail.internet.MimeUtilityimport javax.activation.DataHandlerimport javax.activation.FileDataSourcedef mp = new MimeMultipart('mixed')def bodyPart = new MimeBodyPartbodyPart.setContent('some text content', 'text/plain')//def attFds = new FileDataSource('/path/to/file.xls')//bodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(attFds))bodyPart.setFileName(MimeUtility.encodeText('foo.txt'))mp.addBodyPart(bodyPart)mail.setMultipart(mp)true.